Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or a complete beginner, strength training is incredibly beneficial. Not only does strength training build muscle, it also helps improve flexibility, increase mobility, and lower risk of injury.
What’s more, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym or have a tonne of expensive equipment to get results. This workout takes only 10 minutes and is an ideal workout for beginners, easily done in the comfort of your own home, using only your bodyweight. You may find an exercise mat beneficial too, but it’s not a necessity.
This home workout involves nine different exercises, each aiming to work different parts of the body. The workout is split into three sets of three. Each exercise should be completed for one minute, with a one minute rest between sets.
Set One: Mountain Climbers, Push Ups, Squats
Mountain Climbers:
Mountain climbers will get you warmed up in no time. As the name suggests, this exercise mimics the movement of climbers. It’s a full body exercise and will build strength in your arms, legs, core, and back.
Modify: If mountain climbers put too much strain on your wrists, you can place your hands on a step or a block to elevate your upper body and reduce the weight going through your arms.
Challenge: Instead of bringing your knees up in a straight line, instead bring in some crossbody working. Bring your right knee towards your left elbow and vice versa, this will up the intensity of the exercise.
Push Ups:
This is a go-to workout for arms, shoulders, and the chest. They build foundational strength that is beneficial for other exercises.
Modify: Try putting your knees on the floor to reduce the amount of body weight you need to lift.
Challenge: Place your feet on a step or a block to make this exercise more intense.
Bodyweight Squat:
Squats are fantastic for building strength in the most powerful muscle group - the legs and glutes. Be careful to get your technique right with squats, or they can be damaging on the knees. Ensure you’re using the muscles in your hips and thighs to push up, and aren’t pressing your knees forward.
Modify: To reduce the pressure on your knees, you could try a wall squat instead.
Challenge: Test your balance with a one legged squat. Or, you could try this workout with dumbbells to challenge your arms and shoulders too.
Set Two: Hip Raises, Split Squat, Plank
Hip Raises:
With its roots in yoga, hip raises are a great workout for abs and glutes.
Modify: Place a block or pillow underneath your hips to reduce the distance you’re raising.
Challenge: Try a single leg hip raise instead to intensify the exercise.
Split Squat:
This squat variation targets your quadriceps and hamstrings, as well as the glutes.
Modify: Rest your hand on a wall for balance support
Challenge: Jump into your starting position from the lowest point of the squat to add a plyometric element to the exercise.
Perhaps not the most well-loved exercise, but you can’t deny the benefits of the plank. Strengthening the abs and lower back, this exercise can be particularly beneficial for those who struggle with lower back pain.
Modify: Place your knees on the floor as you plank to decrease the weight on the forearms.
Challenge: Move from the forearms up to the hands one arm at a time, then back down to forearm plank for an added cardio dimension.
Set Three: Burpees, Single Leg Toe Touches, Leg Raises
Bound to get the heart pumping, burpees are excellent for working out your whole body. The key to getting the most benefit from burpees is correct form over speed. Going too fast will leave you gasping for your breath, which isn’t good for anyone.
Modify: If full burpees are proving too difficult (no shame in that!) you can try a step back burpee instead. So rather than jumping your feet in and out, you step one at a time instead.
Challenge: Add in a push up when you get to the plank position if you really want to feel the burn.
Single Leg Toe Touches:
Perfect for working on balance and toning the lower body, this exercise is also great for stretching and strengthening the hamstrings.
Modify: Complete this exercise next to a wall to hold on for support if you need.
Challenge: For added difficulty and plyometrics, add a little hop in when changing legs.
Leg Raises:
An ideal workout for strengthening your core that can also be beneficial for lower back pain. Be sure to keep your form and press your lower back into the floor as you lift your legs, to ensure your core is doing the work.
Modify: Instead of raising the legs in a straight position, tuck your knees into your chest.
Challenge: Try raising your legs halfway, holding for 10 seconds, then doing the same on the way down for an extra challenge for your core.
This workout will be of most benefit when completed two or three times a week. Plus, as with all strength and weight training, it’s best combined with a hiit workout or cardio exercise for all-round fitness.
For more workout guides and information, be sure to take a look at our blog.